Dental anxiety is a common problem and affects a large percentage of the population. Even though it is normal to be anxious about visiting the dentist, it should not stop you from taking care of your oral health.
Some patients suffer from extreme levels of dental anxiety, and this can cause them to avoid visiting the dentist altogether unless they are experiencing severe pain.
First, there are those who have had negative experiences at the dentist in the past that has led to them being very nervous about the next appointment. This may have been for a reason, such as a past traumatic experience with a painful procedure or dental treatment that was uncomfortable for a long period of time. These issues can be traumatic for patients and make things worse when they need to visit the dentist for a checkup or other treatment. Sometimes a patient may avoid the dentist for many years without realizing that their oral health has deteriorated as a result of not being seen regularly for checkups and treatments.
In some cases, patients have certain health issues that make a trip to the dentist very stressful. For example, patients with heart conditions may be nervous about undergoing x-rays or having their mouth open for a long period of time which can cause them to experience significant discomfort and anxiety. Those with diabetes often struggle to keep their mouths clean, which can lead to major gum disease and other more severe health issues. Those who have had bad experiences with dental procedures related to these health issues are often very anxious when they visit the dentist next. Having a dentist who takes time to discuss these issues with the patient can help them feel more at ease when they come in for treatment.
Others are simply afraid of getting their teeth worked on in general and fear that they won’t be able to handle the procedure. Many patients who feel this way have never had any bad experiences that have caused them to be fearful; they simply feel uncomfortable with the idea of having work done on their teeth. Patients who feel this way should talk to their dentist about the procedure ahead of time, so they know what to expect and can feel more comfortable on the day it is scheduled.
For those who experience extreme anxiety or fear about any type of dental treatment, sedation dentistry can help. While dental visits are important for maintaining optimal oral health and smile aesthetics, going to the dentist is a stressful situation for many people. A fear of needles, the sound of drills, and the sight of blood can make some people break out in cold sweats or feel nauseous before they even step into the dentist’s office. This can make it very difficult to follow through with the treatments they need to prevent serious oral diseases from developing. However, with sedation dentistry, it’s much easier to place someone in a relaxed state where they will feel no pain or discomfort. This allows our dentists to provide necessary care without the added stress of dental anxiety and the resulting urgency that can come with that fear.
At Floss Family Dentistry, we offer high-quality dental services using advanced technology. To learn more or to schedule an appointment with us, call us at (801) 610-7200 or visit our dental office at 2183 West Main Street, Suite 301A, Lehi, UT 84043.
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